Gently advocating peace • justice • sustainability • humanity

Catholic Voice   is an independent, non-partisan organization devoted to the education of all voters, and to ensuring that political discourse remains focused on resolution of all issues in ways that are good for all humans, and for the earth and all creation, and that  will be pleasing to the Creator of all.

Our values are rooted in the Gospels and in the teachings of the Church, but we believe that those teachings are intended to benefit all creation, and we welcome all people of good will to participate.

We host non-partisan, non-confrontational meetings between candidates and voters; provide a clearinghouse for information related to candidates and the issues; and host open, respectful, and inclusive seminars and exchanges.

We provide no endorsements, and are not affiliated with any political parties.  Our aim is simply to encourage, and take part in, the conversation.

“It is necessary that all participate, each according to his position and role, in promoting the common good… As far as possible citizens should take an active part in public life.”

(Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 1913, 1915)